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Tuesday, April 1

Making Menus

I can't explain it, but I've always loved thinking about food combinations, trying them out and creating menus. 

One of the reasons I adore entertaining is because it inspires me to come up with menus that are as satisfying for my guests as they are for me. I have a lot of vegetarian friends, as many here in England as in California. And while I'm a carnivore to the core, I love coming up with vegetarian and vegan menus so packed with flavor, even I don't miss the meat.

Child friendly menus are always fun. Because I enjoy eating with my fingers, creating a picnic-style menu, deliciously indulgent for children and adults, is endlessly rewarding. 

My favorite of all menus, though, are holiday and special occasion menus. This feeds into my theme fetish, inspiring me to come up with a feast honoring a special day, season or event. 

Menus are helpful for finding out in advance if a guest has a food allergy, or other dietary requirements. Emailing, or texting guests the menu spares potential disappointment. It's also beneficial for those who like to choose beverages, or flowers, especially suited to the meal.

It doesn't matter if your menu's handwritten on an envelope, illustrated, painted, a photograph, or designed with your favorite software, making menus is fun. 

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